Deploying and Updating CloudFormation by using automation to make changes in a cloud infrastructure, such as deploying and editing a CloudFormation template. Utilized a CloudFormation template, deployed and modified a VPC, an S3 bucket and an EC2 instance in order to run a simple web server.
David Archer
March 6, 2022
Fault Isolation With Shuffle Sharding
Assigning resources to created virtual shards.
David Archer
March 6, 2022
S3 Replication
Replicating objects between S3 buckets and configuring S3 buckets to automatically replicate S3 objects across different AWS Regions by using S3 Cross-Region Replication (CRR).
David Archer
March 7, 2022
Creating a table containing music artists, their names, song title and then querying the music table to display a chosen information.
David Archer
March 13, 2022
DynamoDB with AWS CloudFormation
Using CloudFormation stack to insert 100 items into DynamoDB table.